Saturday, October 11, 2008

a HUGE update

I cannot believe that the last time I posted something was September 2. In August, I had nothing scheduled on our dry erase calendar. In September - October, there was something scheduled for almost every day - we actually have a life here. I have had numerous people call or email asking what's going on in Iowa? It is nice to know that people care about us and are interested in our lives! Every day I plan out in my head what I am going to write about, then it never happens. Here is a brief recap of the last month and a half:
  • We visited the Maquoketa Caves State Park (about an hour south of Dubuque). The highlight was watching David almost get stuck in the opening to a cave.
  • The girls go to a Wednesday night kids program at the church we are attending.
  • We went to a 'Family Fun Night' carnival at Morgan's school. I like supporting the school, but hate all the junky toys the kids come home with.
  • I attended a preschool meeting and learned more about what a Montessori school is. Carmen loves her class and her teachers are awesome!
  • Morgan and Carmen both have gone on a field trip with their school class. Morgan went to a butterfly sanctuary. Carmen went to a farm.
  • Jett and I were sick for about 2 weeks with bad head colds that turned into sinus infections.
  • We tried out a small group and we plan on continuing.
  • David's mom visited us for a weekend.
  • Jett turned 18 months. He doesn't talk, but makes sounds for a lot of things (tssss = airplane). Mainly he just grunts and points at what he wants.
  • I joined a MOPS group at the church we attend.
  • David had an audition for the church praise team. He plays for the first time tonight (Sat pm service) and tomorrow (2 Sun am services).
  • Our new house is coming along. The siding and stone has been put up on the exterior. The yard is graded and I think they are laying the sod next week. The drywall is all up and I am not sure what is done next. I have been having a great time picking out everything for the house. I spend most of my nights searching the internet for deals on things. We get packages from the UPS guy almost daily.


anne said...

Wow! Busy indeed!! I'll bet all the house-picking stuff is so fun! :)

Miss you guys...hugs to you!

Cheeky said...

I've been thinking about you. As I was driving to my Monday night women in the word group (I graduated from LAB, where we became such great pals) I was thinking what a loser friend I am for not calling/writing mroe. But I do m iss you and your whole family and pray for you whenever you come to mind.

so glad you are busy, involved, and doing well. Is there an estimated move-in date on the house? I attend a MOPS group at the Evangelical church up the street and am LOVING it. Kristie H goes too--we drop our kids off then eat a hot breakfast and enjoy being moms.

Miss you so mucH but am so glad to see these great updates and know that you and your family are doing so very well.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa! Its good to hear you guys are feeling right at home out there. Although we all still miss you dearly here... :)
I can't wait to see you at the end of the month and get the deeper details of daily life in Iowa.

See you soon!
Love, Karen