Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

Today was beautiful...upper 70' humidity. We spent the morning outside. We all explored what the girls call "the field". It is actually empty lots were the subdivision will eventually expand. The wind has blown all sorts of building materials out there, which they believe are treasures and not trash. I enjoyed watching the girls gather wild flowers in a bucket. Even though we didn't know what kind of flowers they were, the girls made up creative names for them...snow bells were the white ones.

Later in the morning David put together a big wheel that was given to us. Jett was so excited to ride on it and the girls had fun on it too. David and I were talking about the memories we had on them as kids. I went into the garage to find the Morgan and Carmen with it upside down using the pedals to spin the 'big' wheel. They were pretending to buff their finger nails and make yarn. I used to do the same thing!

We went to the Rowan's in the evening to hang out and have a cookout. After dinner we headed off to watch the fireworks. They launch the fireworks from a golf course and the people all sit on the fairway. David's mom brought glow sticks for all the kids and they had a great time playing with these while we waited. The fireworks were awesome...some of the best I have seen. I think because we were so close it made them more impressive. New baby David slept through them and Jett only whimpered when they first started.

We hope everyone had a great 4th of July!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July Already?

It is July, so that means that we have been in Iowa for a month. It is still so crazy to me that we actually live here. I look around and think whose house are we in? When will we be done visiting and go 'home'? The girls were sad the other night when they asked if we could go home and I said someone else was living in our Michigan house. They looked confused and I think it sunk in that we will never live in that house again. They saw a picture on the camera of our old house just before we moved and they wanted to just stare at it. I have to remind myself that it is only natural to miss what we had. We are in an adjustment time and who knows how long it will take for this to feel like home. Every time I talk to family or friends from Michigan, I wonder when I will see them again. I am confident that this is what we were meant to do, but I can still miss our old life.

The building process is moving along. We are so excited to build a house again and make all the design decisions. Today I meet with the architect and went over some plan changes. Once the plan is finalized, then the builder is ready to dig. He said we caught him at a good time because a few other projects are on hold because of weather. What do you think of black cabinets?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jett is 15 Months Old

Little Jett Jett, off and (almost) running. You are getting so big - taller than your 2 year old neighbor! This month started with you just beginning to walk. Grandma Linda was so excited that she saw your first steps in Michigan. Now all you want to do is practice your new skill, which leads to lots of falling down. You have many bruises on your head and have bit through your upper and lower lip. Your older sisters are so proud of you and very protective of you. They are always helping you and making sure you are safe.

This past month we have referred to you as stinker poo fussy pants. I think all the changes in your life have made you very insecure or you are just at that separation anxiety phase. Sometimes when I am busy, you will just scream at my feet until you almost throw up. Other times you go into a fit where you throw something (usually your pacifier), bang your head with your fist, pull your hair and then bang your head on the floor. Is this a boy thing?

Your favorite "toy" is my cell phone. You will dig through the diaper bag to find it and once you do you push buttons until a call is made. Sorry to all those who are programed in my phone and have received a strange call. You have even taken a cute picture of yourself. To keep you from using my phone, I have purchase you two different toy ones. Even though they make neat noises, you prefer mine. You look so cute holding it and trying to say, "Hi Daddy."

Speaking of don't say much. The only words that I recognize are: Ma Ma, num num and Da Da. You use sounds to say Morgan, Carmen and cat (or any other animal). It is helpful that you know sign language to say eat, more and all done. You also have many of your own signs to communicate what you want.

This month you started taking baths just in the big tub, not in your little tub in the big tub. We have been gradually adding more water each time, so you are not so overwhelmed. You hate being washed up, but look so cute in your elephant towel afterwards.

Jett, you are such a cutie and a blessing to our family! We love you.