Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jett is 15 Months Old

Little Jett Jett, off and (almost) running. You are getting so big - taller than your 2 year old neighbor! This month started with you just beginning to walk. Grandma Linda was so excited that she saw your first steps in Michigan. Now all you want to do is practice your new skill, which leads to lots of falling down. You have many bruises on your head and have bit through your upper and lower lip. Your older sisters are so proud of you and very protective of you. They are always helping you and making sure you are safe.

This past month we have referred to you as stinker poo fussy pants. I think all the changes in your life have made you very insecure or you are just at that separation anxiety phase. Sometimes when I am busy, you will just scream at my feet until you almost throw up. Other times you go into a fit where you throw something (usually your pacifier), bang your head with your fist, pull your hair and then bang your head on the floor. Is this a boy thing?

Your favorite "toy" is my cell phone. You will dig through the diaper bag to find it and once you do you push buttons until a call is made. Sorry to all those who are programed in my phone and have received a strange call. You have even taken a cute picture of yourself. To keep you from using my phone, I have purchase you two different toy ones. Even though they make neat noises, you prefer mine. You look so cute holding it and trying to say, "Hi Daddy."

Speaking of don't say much. The only words that I recognize are: Ma Ma, num num and Da Da. You use sounds to say Morgan, Carmen and cat (or any other animal). It is helpful that you know sign language to say eat, more and all done. You also have many of your own signs to communicate what you want.

This month you started taking baths just in the big tub, not in your little tub in the big tub. We have been gradually adding more water each time, so you are not so overwhelmed. You hate being washed up, but look so cute in your elephant towel afterwards.

Jett, you are such a cutie and a blessing to our family! We love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! I can't believe how big he is. I still think of him and have a baby image. All the teeth...time is just flying by. Miss ya!